Eight Top Math Competitions for High School Students in the US

Top Math Competitions

Here is the top Math Competitions for high School Students. High-achieving high school students in mathematics often seek to challenge themselves, deepen their understanding of complex concepts, and compete in events that evaluate their problem-solving skills. Extracurricular math competitions provide a platform for these students to demonstrate exceptional merit and earn prestigious awards, complementing their academic success.

We have assembled a list of the 8 most prestigious, competitive, and respected math competitions that garner acclaim on both national and international stages.

Published by: Mason Sun

#8: American Top Math Competitions (AMC)

Region: National  

Circuit: Mathematical Association of America (MAA)  

The AMC is a series of examinations and curriculum materials that build problem-solving skills and mathematical knowledge in middle and high school students. The competitions are the first in a series of contests that lead to the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO).

#7: MATHCOUNTS Competition Series

Region: National  

Circuit: MATHCOUNTS Foundation  

The MATHCOUNTS Competition Series is a national middle school mathematics competition that builds problem-solving skills and fosters achievement through four levels of competition: school, chapter, state, and national. High school students can participate as mentors and coaches.

#6: Harvard-MIT Mathematics Tournament (HMMT)

Region: National  

Circuit: HMMT Organization  

The HMMT is one of the largest and most prestigious high school math competitions in the world. Held at Harvard and MIT, it attracts top-tier math students who compete in individual and team rounds that test a wide range of mathematical concepts.

#5: Math Prize for Girls

Region: National  

Circuit: Advantage Testing Foundation  

The Math Prize for Girls is the largest monetary math prize for young women in the world. Held at MIT, it aims to encourage young women to excel in mathematics and pursue STEM careers. Competitors are invited based on their performance in the AMC and AIME.

#4: American Invitational Mathematics Examination (AIME)

Region: National  

Circuit: Mathematical Association of America (MAA)  

The AIME is an intermediate examination between the AMC and the United States of America Mathematical Olympiad (USAMO). It consists of challenging problems that require creative problem-solving skills. High scorers advance to the USAMO.

#3: United States of America Mathematical Olympiad (USAMO)

Region: National
Circuit: Mathematical Association of America (MAA)
The USAMO is a prestigious high school mathematics competition that selects the top math students in the country to compete in rigorous proof-based problems. The top performers represent the USA in the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO).

#2: USA Mathematical Talent Search (USAMTS)

Region: National
Circuit: Art of Problem Solving (AoPS)
The USAMTS is a free mathematics competition open to all United States students. It is designed to foster problem-solving skills and provides detailed feedback to help students improve. Top participants often move on to the AIME and USAMO.

#1: International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO)

Region: International  

Circuit: IMO Organization  

The IMO is the pinnacle of high school mathematics competitions, attracting the brightest math students from around the globe. Participants are selected through their national competitions, such as the USAMO. Winning an IMO medal is considered one of the highest honors for a young mathematician.

These are the eight top math competitions for high school students in the US at a glance. For more information, check out the official sites. You can also find more opportunities or post your opportunities at vibeforyouth.com.

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